Hearing disabilities and the Swinging Lifestyle with Tom and Bunny

February 20th, 2020 by Tom Sheehan

Tom and Bunny discuss being Hearing impaired and in the Swinging Lifestyle.

Tom’s Trips very own Tom and Bunny discuss their disability of being Deaf in the Swingers Lifestyle.  Imagine that your in a social setting where communication with other couples or singles is the center and forefront and you can’t hear the people.  How does this effect your ability to communicate and engage and interact with people.  Tom and Bunny explain their struggles. Watch this video for great information and how to communicate to people with a disability.

Click image below to watch our video or CLICK HERE Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel

Click this image to watch our video


Hello!  We are Tom and Bunny and we have been in the Swinging Lifestyle for over 23 years and we have run one of the nations oldest and largest lifestyle clubs and now work for Tom’s Trips, Adult Lifestyle Travel voted Best Lifestyle Travel Agency from the Annual Lifestyle Awards.  We produce videos, Podcast and Blogs about our opinions and what works for us as a couple in the Swingers lifestyle.  CLICK HERE to visit our website and start watching & Listening to Videos and Podcast on the swinging lifestyle.
